Sunday, June 24, 2012

Set an Example

I'm so thankful for our dear pastor who speaks truth each week! Any of you who do not attend Christway or missed this morning's message should check it out, or all this month's messages for that matter. This morning he started out with this verse:
1Timothy 4:12(NIV)
 Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young,
 but set an example for the believers
 in speech,
 in conduct,
 in love,
 in faith,
 and in purity.

I feel so inadequate to be blogging some days (which explains the months of no posts!) I've been "accused" of being too young to have 5 kids! And I sure use that often as an excuse to say that I have no right to give advice. I'm not always called to give advice. I am, however, always called to set an example for other believers. Oh, how I wish I did that!
If I had to put a check-mark beside everyone of those areas in that verse in which I was blameless this week I would have 0 check-marks. I gossiped this week. I yelled at my kids this week. I was selfish this week. I worried this week. I laughed at sin this week. All of these are things that I hate, but yet they are present in my life. It makes me think of Paul's words: "...what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." (Romans 7:15) 
You can see why I would hope that no one is looking to me for an example, but I know that people do. I would be so devastated if people saw how I act some days. But does that mean I give up and accept my human nature? No! I have to keep striving to be Christlike. I have to die daily to myself, strive to follow Christ, and thank Him for His grace that covers all my failures.

More than other believers watching me, my kids are watching me! I have more influence on them than anyone else, especially since I home school them. No one else in the world has the opportunity or the responsibility that I have when it comes to my kids. Even Matt doesn't have as much time as I do to set an example for them. They see me at my best and at my very worst! That is why it is so important for me to set a good example and apologize when I do wrong.
I'm seeing more and more that if I want my kids to be Christlike in their speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity I need to set an example in my own life of the characteristics that Christ exemplified in His life. Our kids watch everything we do. So, I want to speak to them the way I want them to speak to others, conduct myself the way they should conduct themselves, love others more than myself, live by faith, and set an example of purity in every area of my life.
I absolutely LOVED how Pastor John talked about how close is too close to sin this morning. Instead of giving a list of guidelines he pointed out some obvious areas in which we "Christians" make exceptions for sin in our own lives. I want to "soar on wings like eagles" (Isaiah 40:31) as I move to finish this race! Allowing sin to hide in my home via the tv or anger or unkindness will hold me and my family down. But as I lay aside those weights I can soar and show my children how to soar too! Let's live out an example of Christ's lifestyle each day as we show our children the way!

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