Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A Firm Foundation

We want our kids to obey us. Partly because it will make our life easier, right? But our main goal still is to help them become the people God wants them to be. It all comes back to their hearts and where they are in their relationship with Him. Even as young children they are spiritual beings. Why else would God encourage us to have the faith of a child?

Our foundation for disciplining them should be based on the Word of God. Here are the main verses I use in training my children. (NIV)
  1. Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. [Eph. 6:1]
  2. “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—  “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”[Eph. 6:2-3]
  3. Do to others as you would have them do to you. [Luke 6:31]
  4. Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.[Psalm 34:13]
  5. Do everything without grumbling or arguing,  [Phil. 2:14]
  6. Encourage one another and build each other up. [1 Thes. 5:11]
  7. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.” [Mark 12:30-31]
My 4 oldest children have all these verses memorized. And my 2 year old knows them a little. When we are out at the park and one of them starts to whine about something not going her way I can say "Do everything", and she will finish the verse with "without complaining and arguing." It's almost the only kind of warning I ever give my children. It is a very simple way of reminding them that their behavior is not acceptable and I expect it to change fast. 

So here's my trick! I watched my nieces and nephews learn these verses 20 years ago by listening to songs. My kids have learned the same songs. Some of you may think Steve Green is a little too "old school", but he has done an amazing job of putting these verses to music that kids will love and gain from.
Hide 'em in Your Heart vol 1
Hide 'em in Your Heart vol 2

My older kids have mastered all the verses on both albums, so we've moved on to a new set of cd's by the Harrow Family:
God Our Provider
A New Commandment

I also had a friend suggest another whole set which I've listened to online and am super anxious to purchase! You can find them at Seeds Family Worship.

These are some great tools available to help you train your children. But remember: the most important thing for you to do is be consistent with your discipline. Teach them these verses and what they mean, and then follow through! How else will they understand how important the verses are?


  1. May i just say what an encouragement you are to me? I love you!

  2. Love this, i listened to the Steve Green cds when i was little and am pregnant with my first lil guy right now, he will be listening to them as well!

  3. Awe, Alaina! I love to hear that you grew up on these CD's! You'll have to ask Kara to sing some of the songs for you one day. She LOVES them! And I didn't know you already knew it was a boy. Yay! Boys are great :) Congrats!
