Monday, October 24, 2011

Moments Like These

This last week was so full of ups and downs for me! I felt so often that all I did was scold the kids and punish them.  They seemed to always be underfoot and making messes and fighting. And then a moment later I'd be sitting there in awe of how precious and wonderful they are. 

I have had many friends make comments to me about how they hate it when little old grannies at the store stop them to say, "Cherish these days. They go by too fast." because they feel like these days can't pass fast enough.  Having newborns is hard because we are sleep deprived. If they would just hurry up and sleep through the night everything will be better. Then it's once they can walk life will be easy again. As soon as they're walking it's once they're out of diapers everything will be okay. I just can't wait until they start school and I have days to myself again. After they can do their homework all by themselves...once they can clean up after themselves...when they can stay home alone...after they can drive...And then they're gone! We've been so busy with our agenda of all the things we need to accomplish over the course of a day, week, month, year, stage in life...that we wish away these days and miss out on the joys that being a parent brings.

So I have to stop and wonder what made the difference for me last week. How was I able to have "awe" moments with my kids even with all the trials that parenting brings? The simplest answer is the title of one of my favorite songs, Breathe Deep. That's what I had to do last week. There were moments I felt overwhelmed with all the things I needed to accomplish, and then I stopped, took a nice deep breath, and just watched my kids.

One time I was hurrying through the living room on a mission to get the house cleaned up before Matt got home from work. The kids were all sitting on the couch watching some show, totally engrossed in whatever it was. I could see the thrill in their eyes as something funny was happening and the excitement in my nine-year-old's eyes as he anticipated something that was about to happen. So, I sat down in the recliner and breathed. I simply enjoyed their faces and giggles.  Joy just flooded my heart!

Another time I was in a hurry to get everyone out the door to run some errands. You can imagine how that goes with 1 adult to 5 kids! One of our errands was to drop off some money at the church to help buy food for flood victims in Honduras. As I was rushing about trying to brush hair and get shoes on all 12 of our feet I explained our errands to them, and I have to admit I was a little irritated when they all gathered around my bed with their wallets deciding how much they each were going to give. But we were ready to walk out the door! Then I stepped back and breathed! They were thrilled to be able to give(some as much as 80% of all they had and some just a little change). I was in a hurry! I had so much to do. I almost said, "We're giving enough for all of you. Keep your money. We have to go." But this was so much more important. They were worshiping the Lord and I got to watch them!

I almost missed an "awe" moment with my sweet 5 year as I was rushing about trying to get dinner on the table and straighten up the house one night. He burst into tears and cried, "This day is just so sad!" after he had been in trouble for several different things. I almost sent him to his room to cry it out. And then I stopped, breathed, and pulled him into my lap. He told me just how sad the whole day was, and I told him that was exactly what Satan wanted. I reminded him of what our pastor had sad last Sunday...that Satan wants to steal our joy and our effectiveness. He doesn't want kids to obey. He wants mom's to yell. And then I shared the story of Job with him. He was so excited for Job because Job passed the test. He wanted to pass the test! He has been so motivated to pass the tests that have come his way ever since. But we almost missed that chance. I almost let having dinner on the table on time steal that moment with my son.

Moments like these are just a hint of the blessings God has in store for us if we train up our children in the way they should go. The Bible says that when they are old they will not depart from it. That's when we will really get to reap the blessings. But for now we get these moments to watch them, love on them, comfort them, teach them, and learn from them.  However, if we are too concerned with accomplishing goals we'll miss these moments. I've decided to sacrifice having a clean house and prompt meals in order to cherish these moments with my family. I can clean my house in 16 years!

1 comment:

  1. I love you! I love your kids! and this was just what I needed to read today! :)
